Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lethargy, I See That You Torture Me

Torpor. Ennui. Lethargy. Killers for any writer, but thanks to an unknown physical malady, I am now confronted with the specter of inaction. It's interesting how distracting pain can be and in what ways it manifests itself. I have good concentration for proofreading, but as far as creation is concerned, my attention continues to be interrupted with each new wave of discomfort.

For what it's worth, I'm going to the doctor this week. I already have confirmed I have a hernia (from another doctor), but I suspect there's something more profoundly wrong. Typically, I wouldn't disclose any of this, but because it is affecting my writing, I'm including it. Writing is normally a distraction from the mental stresses, but hasn't done a good job with this other problem.

What does all that mean? I wrote a couple of flash pieces this week, started writing a satirical short work for fun and edited some existing work (and that of others). But nothing of major to note this time.

I received a notice to sign up for NaNoWriMo, which I'm still planning on doing, in spite of how I'm feeling. I'd like to get 50,000 words and my first novel completed this year. With all the work on the short story collection and the screenplays, time for the novel hasn't been found. Not complaining, mind you . . . I'm all for overload when it comes to creativity.

And so, I end this short entry with a note to all . . . a tried and true platitude, but still is important . . . guard your health. Without it, much suffers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It's me, Katie. I'm happy I found your blog.

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope the doctor gives you good results. Let it be something minor and not serious. I will be wishing you good results.

That said, "guard your health" indeed! Perfectly said.